Summer Packaging Trends

Estimated reading time: 2 min
Summer Packaging Trends

Summer is very quickly approaching. Your packaging should also reflect this - nice weather, relaxed minds and a chance to enjoy yourself after the weird past few years we have had.


During the summer months, packaging should brighten the experience for consumers and make them feel like their summer is really special. Especially in the food and drink industry, it’s important to have strong packaging in the summer times as packaging can remind customers of a memory they’ve had.


Colour And Summer Packaging

Summer is a season where all the colours seem more vibrant and strong especially when these colours are hit by the sun. Yellow, blue, green and pink stands out a lot more.


Yellow is one of the brightest colours, which expresses happiness and warmth. Yellow is known for sparking creativity within you, this colour would be great to have on packaging as it’s seen to be motivating.


There are a lot of different shades of blue which can be found throughout the summer, it is a very strong colour. Blue is a colour of trust, honesty and authority. This colour would be great on calming packagings, such as foods which reduce anxiety.


Limited Edition Designs

Many retailers produce limited edition products as part of their summer range. During this time retailers use refreshed designs, new styles and structure changes. A large-scale example would be the Coca-cola campaign ‘share a coke’. For a limited time, you were able to get personalised coke bottles with your name or a loved one. This campaign gave customers an urgency to go out and buy the bottles.


Hand-drawn Illustrations

Another trend this summer is hand-drawn illustrations on packaging. Fun products deserve fun packaging, and hand-drawn illustrations show creativity and display talents. This is a quick way to make product packaging more bespoke and interesting!


Summer is coming around quickly so get a head start with these summer trends for 2022!

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